RB 100 RL-E

RB 100 RL-E

ALFRA RotaBest™ RB100RL-E is a metal cutting, magnetic-based core drill that is perfect for users who require heavy duty drilling or tapping. Includes: variable height adjustment, a smooth start, 4-Speed gearbox, overload protection.

Product Technical Details

RB 100 RL-E
Core Drilling dimensions Ø 12.0 - 100.0 mm & Ø 20.0 - 50.0mm (extra long 110 mm)
Cutting depth 50.0 mm / 110.0 mm
Twist Drill "Ø 1.0 to 16.0 mm with drill chuck Up to Ø 32.0 mm with MT3 DIN 345 "
Counterboring Ø 10.0 - 55.0 mm
Tapping with tapping chuk:upto M30 with tapping attachment:upto M30
Arbor MT3
Stroke 245 mm
Height adjustment 116 mm
Gear box onload speed "right/left 1. Step 50-150 RPM, 2. Step 75-230 RPM, 3. Step 100-310 RPM, 4. Step 160-490 RPM"
Magnetic foot 92x238mm 30 adjustable right and left,10mm front and back
Weight 28 kg